Wreckfest Wiki

This page is for characters mentioned in the character trailers, who we have no further information about. Whether these characters were supposed to have a trailer, which was later cancelled, or whether they were never meant to have one is unknown.

MudDigger driver[]

A character who has multiple cameos in Lucky99's trailer.

He drives a MudDigger with:

  • Removed bed cover
  • Grunt wheels
  • Header stacks
  • Special paint style
  • Steel mesh windshield

The paint style used on his vehicle is a reward in-game and is notably more detailed from the rest of the race group, which suggests this character was meant to stand out and maybe have their own trailer.


A character whose name can be seen written on a cup in Sheriff's trailer.


A character whose part of the name can be seen on a leaderboard in Lucky99's trailer.

Big P-[]

A character whose part of the name can be seen written on a cup in Sheriff's trailer.

Hammerhead driver[]

A character indirectly mentioned when Sheriff draws a target sign on a picture of white Hammerhead. Whether it means general rivalry with Hammerheads, or a specific driver is unknown.

Lucky99, the Racer · Sheriff, the Crasher · Zero Hero, the Bonebreaker · Unknown characters