Wreckfest Wiki

Lucky99, the Racer, is a male character introduced in a trailer released along with the console release of the game.

He seems to be a successfull driver who has been struggling to win in the past few events. A short flashback scene tells us his last two losses were:


I exist for the podium.
Lucky99, the Racer

L99 motto
Lucky99, the Racer



Driven vehicles[]



This character is not seen driving anything else.

In-game content[]

Roadslayer gt style reward 1 Roadslayer gt style reward 2

Real life vehicles[]

Real life vehicles used in the trailer:

  • 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner

L99 scr 6 L99 scr 7 L99 scr 8


While it's not directly mentioned, from a leaderboard shown in the trailer Lucky99's probable rivals are:

In the trailer, 3 names on a leaderboard can be seen. It can be presumed these are Lucky99's rivals. Not all of the names can be fully seen.

Leaderboard of an unknown championship

Promo pictures[]

Goofs & notes[]

  1. Flashback shows a corner which both of those routes share.
  2. Only seen on a promo picture.
Lucky99, the Racer · Sheriff, the Crasher · Zero Hero, the Bonebreaker · Unknown characters